Friday, April 29, 2011


 I'm looking at these pictures as 'modes of transportation'.  I would use the tank to go to work, the flying ship to sail to China  and the aircraft to go to the store to buy some corndogs.
By ship

By aircraft

By some large tank RV.. thing

Thursday, April 28, 2011


In comparison, these are just depressing

/Thoughtless mumbles

Wireless internet connection can do better.  I'm hungry.

Food would be great.  I like corn dogs.

Virgin eggs sounds good... What?  They're soaked in little boy piss?
Never mind.

Going to a baby shower and I'm pretty sure I'll need a gift..

What I had in mind;

I was thinking that maybe she'd appreciate this

Tag, you're it.

This picture was in my 'despair' folder
I didn't realize I had a folder by that name

It's as if the rainbow threw up on the building

Land, Space..Whale?

If I had to choose from the options below, I think I would live on the whale.   


Living on a Whale

In Ruins

Outer Space

Please read this

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sun Rising

While these cities aren't like what we have, I think that it is very possible that in a hundred+ years in the future this might be what it might all look like.

This scares and fascinates me.  I thought of China, haha. 

Please read this

what is this about

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to set up a blog to show pictures you all pictures that I find to be very pleasing to the eyes.  This ranges to various subjects so I hope you all enjoy and  please leave a comment if you have the time.

Lastly, No Copyright Intended!  I do not own anything unless stated otherwise.
If you are the artist, please just send me a message with your request and I will take the image down ASAP.  

That is all, happy blogging everyone